Tyler Dawson of dawsonsCode sitting outside of a coffee shop.

A little bit about me

Texas has been my lifelong home, though I've had the chance to explore every corner of the United States. My academic journey led me to graduate with a degree in Biomedical Engineering, and I spent several years working as a Microbiologist. Although I found fulfillment in that role as a scientist, it didn't provide the platform for leveraging my top skills—creativity and social connections. This realization prompted me to embark on a self-taught journey into web design and development. After extensive studying and practice, I decided to leave my position at the lab and become a full-time freelance web developer.

I believe what sets me apart is my commitment to developing lasting relationships with clients. My expertise lies in working with creative small businesses, as I find immense satisfaction in establishing genuine connections with them as individuals. Engaging with each business's unique story and understanding the passion that propels their endeavors is a source of inspiration for me.

As a goal-oriented person, I consistently strive for progress and aspire to accomplish more. As a developer, I have the privilege of helping business owners in expanding and realizing their dreams by addressing their problems and offering solutions. This, I believe, is the most exciting and fulfilling aspect of my work—witnessing clients grow into lasting friends and crafting the tools that propel them towards achieving their goals. Contributing to the success of others is an immensely rewarding experience that fuels my dedication to this profession.